Friday, November 17, 2023

'Human Rights' (DH)

ITS REALITY is economic, not political. Invocation of ‘rights’ and ‘laws’ at a time like this is just the celebration of the state that defines itself with reference to them and the hereditary or secular aristocracy that controls it, the livery of the modern ‘citizen’ consumer who mistakes their instruments of class socialisation for something that actually means something for the lives of the oppressed. Contempt of life and of living humanity is the only hallmark of this form of vicarious consumption that masquerades as democratic politics, a cruel and mirthless comedy in which our very real desire to pursue a limited programme of demands, a purely negative programme
in which
for example   
our associates are not raped by security forces with
is built up into this enormous
ritual of vicarious consumption, in which all subjects 
are required to participate,
a sort of grand medieval tournament, a Brueghelian Babel, in which the place of livery is taken by certain magical terms, laws, elections, courts, the right to self-defence... and many earlier forces, from quite a different below, are beginning to slip between the gaps of these words, and this will remain true for a long time, as long as the different reality we experience does not shift towards tomorrow

(and their depiction of ‘terrorists’ who are ‘beyond the bounds of humanity’ and who can be hunted in Gaza and around the world, in sanctuary houses and sanctuary cities, who can be eliminated above the ground and below, in the south and in the north, and from the sky or by means of targeted assassination

by murder squads formed for that purpose, and who operate under the banner of annihilation (‘NIHI’)

is another archaic element that has twisted its way into the meaning of most of our political language.
Because the communication of feelings and ideas must be blocked and impeded by all possible means. But it’s also a metaphor, the whole passage above is a simple metaphor for how we are forced to speak and think right now, in a situation like this. Because beyond the stars where an inhuman and anti-divine power hunts and claims ownership of our most basic human needs is the realm of the unknown god and its graduated worlds, and the sphere of the eighth and the realm of the twelve signs belong under the same category as the tyrannical planets, but they also provide a transition to the kingdom of light. Never let the system of their wealth find you.)

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Be Wary of Buildings (AS)

It seems appropriate to have written and thought about this on borrowed time from work. Now I'm finishing it and I am sticking to the injunctions about writing fast. I'm not sure there is a cohesive point here, and if I stop to try and form one, I'll collapse into self-doubt or contradictions or infinite regress. Just come a few steps down the road with me, and we'll see where it takes us, I can't promise it'll make sense or help, but everything on the news is making me feel sick right now and I needed the distraction.

I remember Jow and I discussing my work, my actual work, and the ambivalence I felt towards the business of working for a public sector body. Jow told me that if I remained clear-eyed about what I was taking from it, I'd probably be okay. I've finished with local councils for now, so this is a first stab at something.  

One long-time lesson I learnt from being in local government was people really care about what happens to buildings. Less so what happens in them. 

Prime examples are hospitals - crumbling Victorian buildings will see people out with placards protesting closure. Obsessives get wrapped up in whether there will be less beds or more beds, more spaces or less spaces. Never mind that the whole point is to get you treated, out and away from hospital - it's a place where people mostly go to die. I remember a chief executive of a hospital in Surrey telling me once that no-one would argue for taking funding away from hospitals to earlier intervention social care, as hospital was the place everyone "went to in the end". 

For balance, the same man also told me he had been involved in the closing of a cluster of antiquated psychiatric hospitals that ring greater London, one of which was the one my grandfather spent time in. The shift to "care in the community" had failed, in his view, because the issue of long-term disabilities and mental health conditions had gone from being one collectivised in big institutional buildings to one where individual need and destitution are largely concealed within the community. It is notable that experiments with collectivisation and communal living seemed to emerge out of the psychiatric movement in the sixties and before (for instance, take a look at The Man Who Closed the Asylums by John Foot). He didn't actually say anything about that last bit, just that the whole thing had failed.

The closure or defunding of services, more abstracted than a building, will rarely garner the same groundswell. In 2019 the child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in north east London declared they were not taking any more referrals for six months, unless it was the most "acute" circumstances. By which they meant serious hospitalisation due to self-harm or attempted suicide. It was an open secret in schools, who had received an email to that effect, but only the most diligent reader of trust board papers would have spotted the reality on the ground. Its impact was hidden by a RAG rating, that was marked amber, not red, because they changed the performance measure at the same time as closing the doors.

That's not to say don't fight for the right to have local services, or preserve communal spaces and what they represent, it is more that you need to guard yourself against that being the totem on which everything hangs. Boris Johnson's popular promise to build 40 hospitals, or whatever the hell it was, only worked because the building forms the simplest representation of investment. There's not much point having a new hospital if you haven't got the workforce, equipment and services they require.. There's not much point putting care in the community without a serious consideration of what that care entails, how it is funded and how we don't lose that spirit of collectivised, mutual support that occasionally fosters in  long-term hospital care settings.

I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what I learnt. All I am trying to say is be clear eyed about what you are getting in any given circumstance. Don't become too attached to the shell of a feeling, at the expense of its interior.

With love,

Saturday, November 4, 2023

(We felt that we will not permit them to crush us) / Notes on a question

‘Never to think of a thing or being
we love
but do not have
before our eyes
without reflecting
perhaps this
has been destroyed, or is already dead.’
is reduced
to two
dimensions, becomes
flat like
a dream
Gaza does
not exist
in the same way as created things
the defence of its
now equivalent in the West to ‘racial hatred’
onto a
the colonised
who are
to use force
to defend themselves
are forced to
discover all meanings
inside of force, they cannot be deprived of
higher meanings
but only of a
higher language in which to
express them.
As the old
only in the light 
of the new
the meaning
of the
past is 
our eyes
a dream is
to two dimensions 
it is flattened 
into an 
of the
it is still possible to stop this. the 'culture' in which you can’t even say
is just an 
anamorphosis of the border fence       that was partly destroyed on 7 October:
a tactic of social control of the domestic population
appearing as freedom only by contrast with the direct practice of warfare elsewhere.
we understand
supposed ‘hypocrisy’ of ruling classes and their ‘liberalism’
is not a
moral failing
but a
tactic based on an assumption about effective means of social control;
just as traditional
colonial counterinsurgency
rebuilds the oppressive apparatus of the colonial state
with the personnel
of colonised peoples,
so does domestic liberal counterinsurgency
rebuild the apparatus
of liberation struggle
in its own image

the state becomes
the liberator
of the oppressed
from the oppressed;
Jews as the
of intra-
European genocide
are enlisted
as a kind of ‘local security force’
they exercise their
police powers 
those who speak
in their name
by appeal
to a
genocidal patron that has taught itself to speak in the language of
ment anti-
and the subsequent
double vision
the creation by
of parallel armed liberation movements
in opposition to the activities of those who received funding
from the USSR.
There as here the aim is to create
fusion, demobilisation and stasis,
intellectual counterinsurgency,
in the first
by the
combined use of professional and moral
has doubt

and not conviction as its desired effect     ‘Foundation to insert itself when it cannot add to the   
With all things   
it is only what
comes to
us from outside
as a
that turns us
into humans
and perhaps the Palestinians, even the ‘savage’ militants of Hamas and Islamic Jihad
were surprised
to discover
that the
could die as easily
as themselves,
that when you shot or
stabbed them they turned into human beings and perished
like the Palestinians
killed in waves
struck with live ammunition
in the abdomen,
or in the head,
or walking on crutches
across a sand dune, or in the neck
or upper back
or from teargas inhalation,
or launching a stone
from a
in front of the same fence in 2018
fights to be
more than
the colonised
‘his world receives a fundamental jolt’
Fanon said
he meant that
the killing
is always
duplicated, since along with the coloniser dies the image of a person    who they never 
the image that dies with the vulnerable                                                were
is itself a cause of the ‘savagery’ of the violence that is exerted against it,
a cruelty that makes no sense unless inflicted
on the idea of an
is the only
thing that grows
under constant aerial bombardment;
of the
is that they
lead immed-
to efforts to reproduce exactly the same image of invulnerability – a dream that can be approximated only through racial violence against Palestinians beyond all conceivable proportion
murder must be
of its
ment of surprise,
what comes to us
from outside            
‘Resistance is itself sacred,
a way of living’
and Hamas is a part of
that resistance
likes it
or not
the effort
to insist
the murders can only be identical
to themselves
is an attempt to promote civil war
as the only possible
outcome of
political violence.
When liberation movements are accused of genocidal in-
tent by state
armed with formalistic
to produce
that outcome,
the state denies
the very
of social conflict
other than
the inter-
ethnic struggle which
was always
to provoke,
the power
of this state itself      Une aube affaiblie / Vers par les champs. your
the liberal state
speaks through
‘the Jews’
as the colonial counter-
insurgency speaks through
its native police force,

the tactic is a kind of ‘Ulsterisation’ brought about at the level of communication in the cultural do-
main, enforced
by professional sanctions
instead of arms
its essential tendency
is not ‘objectionable’
because it is
it is
its one dimension
is the dimension
of inter-communal racist slaughter;
a petrified zone that is more dead than alive, in which the masters of reality crouch in frozen
of airless              stutter            ‘I des’
and all struggles against injustice are
a prelude to a snuff film screened by the IDF to a cinema of hand-picked journalists. Sorry 
The spectacle of                                                                                   baby, I don’t think
those murders
establishes the supposed
relation of force,
in which
one side is
of committing
and the other is only
capable of representing it,
a symmetry
within difference which denies
and justice
because the hierarchy it creates
an imperial
vision of ethno-biological difference in which killings 
come to be known as
‘communal work’
‘pulling out the roots of bad weeds’
‘bush clearing’,
a natural process that is as simple as picking up a fork, or mowing the lawn.
do not
they are
part of
administration of genocide

In the war within the war, the death of the image of Israeli invulnerability
was a
the revelation of the vulnerability
of the fragile human bodies
behind the image
was painful,
a lesson in equality
that the ‘liberal’ state reaction
with its talk of human
now endeavours to annihilate.
The murdered will not
become invulnerable
however many
more are
now killed
‘on the other side’;
the equal vulnerability
of those
who are now dead
is already
being plunged into a
zone of forgetfulness
so deep
and so inaccessible
as to
make it almost
impossible to
recover the trace of that shock
in the face of which it was impossible not to feel
‘in the depths of ourselves’
some aching,
flashing like lights
against the grey
on cement
it is already fading into.
And we seem to
something else,
something else
that was
beneath it,
not our own
but something more precious
and harder
to understand,
the surprise
of those who are made
to submit
to the statement
that all
lives are
in the same
they are made
to dig
cement dust
on their
through the
of their homes:
the surprise
of those whose
own deaths
are never supposed to be surprising.
To understand
that we are parties
to a process
of state warfare,
and not citizens with ‘rights’
bound to get on our knees
before any and all invocations
of ‘international law’

does not mean that
we accept
the inevitability
of murder
the task now
is to define
the war within
the war;
the state terrorism of Russia
and a genocidal
on the
most appalling acts of extermination
is the
of meanings
the two dimensions
of force
as soon as we see this,
certain problems
fall away
and others rise up in their place;
we exist in a zone of defence.
That this liberalism is a weapon used against us of a particular kind
means we have no ‘rights’
are under no corresponding ‘obligations’
the obligation
to extend
the borders of this zone
to those who are currently trapped      in what counterinsurgency doctrine continues to
as a ‘high intensity
the endless massacre
of Palestinians
is not a cost in
an alliance
system that produces
civic rights
‘for us’,
it is
a part of the war against us
at an incomparably higher level of cruelty.
We see we are caught in a rotten routine in which everything is rotating in time with the motor of a single machine from which all apparent opposites emerge
with this
the genocide used to justify
appears in a new light
as the Old
appears Old
only in the light of the New,
for the first time
the whole
genocide appears before us
it is
it had been waiting for us all along
the ones
who can discover all meanings
inside of force
the present
the past
(the international lawyers were chortling at the stars, but we didn’t care about the stars)
To those who ask
we condemn all violence
against ‘civilians’
the correct answer is
that we
are at war
with the system that poses the question.


and as I was finishing writing this you came in and pointed a gun at me. It’s you, I said. It’s me, it is indeed me, you answered, and your eyes were like two cockroaches frightened on a rainy day. You fired and the blood spurted. After that I can’t remember a thing. The room was brilliantly lit. Slowly, calmly, the human animals came to feed at the pool of my empathy

Two Reports (RL)

Report 1  Last night I read poems out loud for the first time in I think two years. The reading was at the  Cité des Arts ,   an internation...