Friday, May 12, 2023

DAY ONE / DAY TWO (Arturo Lima)

Raw Materials From Day One

You would write such a brilliant report out of this extra job

On the metro it’s early enough to have a seat
I woke up early enough to have coffee hence I read a book
At the station at the bottom of the line
secret agents
paranoid looks and suspicious suitcases / suits

Hallway revising clothes getting coffee
Getting to know the spectacle proletariat

I’m stopping this report to listen to the briefing
Given by the director’s assistant

Final scene
You need to know how to sing
a Bolero to be an extra
Plane mode no pictures thank you
You need to act but the acting is better if you try to look natural

Looking for Luca
A crowd in the face
Faces in the crowd

Patrick is sitting aside of me
reading Houria’s bestseller
a communist interested in the WORST
who doesn’t care about winning elections
lyrical singer and actor
now and then
lifelong wages
No elections but welfare state pleas(e)

Very nice
I’m really happy
engaged in a conversation
while applauses / translation to new seats

We fill nothingness with complacency, obedience and a little patience
Still looking for Luca
Still looking / figuring
out the schemes the fuzzy logics

of the director / the production / the assistants / the technicians / the little hands

We help to fill nothingness
a couple of extras
and a little budget

Those tricks remain opaque
to my weary mind

I still can’t find Luca
nor his moustache

Second scene soon
let’s try to have a better look at the audience
phone back in the pocket

I think I found Luca
but such an enthusiastic way of clapping
it must not be him really
Though I see a moustache
he is certainly somewhere else

Imagining what ? thinking what ?
writing another
report ?

People telling us what to do
waiting for people to tell us what to do
waiting for people to await something from us
trying to look like we are not giving a fuck
but what other fucks could we possibly give
once the day is sold
trying to obey
with common decency
as if we were free
but the day is sold
that’s the day

You would make such a brilliant extra in this job report
You would talk to people
you would write more
your phone wouldn’t be on plane mode
especially because they asked for it
you would have kept it working
just as it is

As far as I’m concerned,
even though we are not on a plane
plane mode
is the

Sitting, not moving for a long long time
The brain drifting
far away
hopefully not too much

Actually the concert hall looks like a boat
the walls are wooden, crafted
a pouch
all of us extras with our tote bags
in the womb of the concert Hall
the Tod-Bag

A day of agony
I write better in agony

I write better during the day if it’s a day I’m not supposed to be writing at that time
in a language I’m not supposed to use
on a device so opposed to my whole conception of writing
I can’t help but write on it

In the meanwhile I found our friend
I can see him clearly now
just like me on the balcony
right at the left angle
3rd take soon
the screen light tires my eyes
phone in the pocket soon
I will try to know if I was right to assume
that he would be more phlegmatic

The woman aside of me
her head bent down
makes her look asleep

I feel very tired and bored
all the thoughts, the writing
it is all very tiring
but once a process is following its course…

Ouaf Ouaf

The feeling I get when we shoot the shot for the fifth time is akin to the sensation I’ve always had at the end of a theater play


Is theater a way to experiment
the effect of 3 hour boredom in an armchair
without (maybe) noticing ?
Is cinema stageless theater
beautiful / pathetic extras
looking for someone to
pay attention to
their beauty, their charm, their unmistakable looks ?
who are you to pretend you are not one of them
looking for a little adventure out there
jean-pierre léaud longing for his
mom / his whore
a new start
something unexpected while your phone is on plane mode
when everything (the rest of it even) has been planned long before

You hear her say : handsome really
put him on the list he might be
in small parts
Me : she talking about Luca ?

Why is it cheaper to have 250 extras
paid 115 a day for two days
instead of a 1000 extras
for half a day ?

We’re quietly setting the concert hall on fire
with time with patience
with boredom

« Faites-vous plaisir » says someone

I almost forget that I forget
I almost feel good
with my almost wet tissue
in my almost filthy jacket pocket
and I try not to sneeze
earlier I tried to have a walk
between two shots
only to discover we were locked in

I’ve been an extra
on extra hours
for approximately one hour
and there are more to come

You would write such a brilliant
report out of this extra job

On extra hours for two hours now


No writing today,
no reading either
Minerva’s howl
stays apart from concert halls

Selected Materials from Day 2

like long-forgotten states of consciousness
from the time when I used to travel
long distance
take coaches across continents
and pack whole countries with railway
go to school all day
read all night

I was trying to understand the virtue
doing nothing
since I was unable to
read or write

Since the batteries of this phone discharge so quickly
even on plane mode
and God knows I hate to be interrupted

I’ve been really extra an extra for all day
not even on the shots most of the time
except now
when I take my phone out of my pocket
maybe just because
from now on
not before
cameras could spot me
and reporting recovers the attraction of sthg forbidden

Did you know that you can live off as an extra
be an intermittent of the spectacle so to speak
if you make it once a week plus one afternoon to send your applications
If you are efficient
you are set for the smic
51 days a year
that’s the condition

Tatata Tatata tata
Tatata Tatatatatatatatatata

When we had lunch
At 4:45
A garage door was clicking
what to my ears seemed
the drums of the Bolero

I heard it clearly for the first time right before
all I could do was focussing
and count the beat
of the drummer’s stick
so helpless
so clumsy
so childish
in the middle of the night of the absurd
like a blind beggar’s stick in the alley
of a medieval town

First thing in the morning
staff asked me if I could stay a little longer tonight
I told it to Luca and Luca said :
maybe you were the beautiful guy

He smiled nicely

Are we finished ? Not yet but slowly getting there ?

I got my little epiphany
I almost forgot myself as I was clapping
Almost thought I was clapping really
after a really good concert
it was good to do something
to believe in doing something
instead of boredom

And I felt everyone was experiencing the same
we / were really good
better than the professional
from the French comedy
whom we really outperformed
in this last scene

A REAL audience
it felt good to
feel real


No chapter read today but :

Selected materials after all I am not so selective
My battery is outlasting
its 1%

After that
I’ll meet my friend outside
We both were among the lucky 100
out of 250
to be asked to stay a little longer
for a final shot

Maybe we were both the beautiful guy

Maybe neither of us was

It is not the matter

For now we can’t know for sure…

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